McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests (Full ebook+Audio) free
Get the intensive practice you need to succeed on the IELTS!
McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests with Audio is the ideal way to sharpen skills and prepare for this high-stakes English proficiency test required for admission or hiring by hundreds of schools, multinational corporations, and government agencies worldwide. Created by a veteran IELTS teacher and grader, it offers the intensive IELTS practice students need for success.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a paper-based test that comprises of four modules—Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Address sorts incorporate numerous decision, sentence finish, short answer, arrangement, coordinating, naming, and outline/graph elucidation. McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests gives escalated hone tests simply like the genuine IELTS in organization, point scope, and level of trouble. Downloadable sound tracks are accommodated all listening bits of the tests.
McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests with Audio is the ideal way to sharpen skills and prepare for this high-stakes English proficiency test required for admission or hiring by hundreds of schools, multinational corporations, and government agencies worldwide. Created by a veteran IELTS teacher and grader, it offers the intensive IELTS practice students need for success.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a paper-based test that comprises of four modules—Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Address sorts incorporate numerous decision, sentence finish, short answer, arrangement, coordinating, naming, and outline/graph elucidation. McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests gives escalated hone tests simply like the genuine IELTS in organization, point scope, and level of trouble. Downloadable sound tracks are accommodated all listening bits of the tests.
- 6 full-length IELTS hone tests simply like the genuine exam
- Signs inserted in the initial two tests manage understudies and help them reply.
- Finish answer clarifications and model paper reactions for the initial two tests; answer keys just for the last three tests.
- Scripts for all Listening areas with highlighting to demonstrate answers to test questions
Download free McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests (Full ebook+Audio)
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